Quick Reference Guide to Near Infra-red Imaging with VISERA ELITE II
Information provided in this guide is not exhaustive. Please refer to the complete Instructions For Use for each
item of equipment which should be thoroughly read and understood prior to handling, use and storage of the equipment.
Camera Head
Change the User Preset
White Balancing
White balance
White balance status
The white balance status changes to completed.
Once the camera head, telescope and light guide cable
are connected, a white balance must be performed.
Perform a white balance by surrounding the tip of the
telescope in a white swab, ensuring it is fully enclosed.
Press and hold the white balance button until ‘White
Balance Complete’ appears on the monitor.
Press ‘Load user preset’.
and select Preset C or (NIR master)
Attach the NIR camera head to an Olympus IR compatible
telescope by rotating the endoscope mount as below.
Releasing the camera head mount secures the telescope
in place.
lock ring
Endoscope mount
Issue 1
NCDR 02866