Fig. 5
# Some of the modules already mounted on the microscope system should be dismounted when mounting this
When dismounting or mounting a module, handle it carefully, remove dirt or dust on the mounting section and
take care not to damage the module.
Mount an applicable reflected light illuminator on the microscope frame.
}Refer to the applicable instruction manual.
1. Using the Allen screwdriver, fully loosen the observation tube clamping
screw @ of the reflected light illuminator, fit the round dovetail on the
bottom of the UV248 observation tube ² into the observation tube mount,
and tighten the observation tube clamping screw @.
When Using the Active AF Unit
· Mount the AF unit above the reflected light illuminator.
· With certain AF unit models, the spacer 10 provided with the
UV248 observation tube should be attached to the AF unit body.
2. Using the Allen screwdriver, loosen the TV adapter clamping screw ³, fit
the TV adapter | and tighten the clamping screw ³.
3. Screw in the TV camera for UV observation into the C-mount for TV adapter.
4. Attach the observation tube for visible light on the observation tube
mount ƒ.
When the TV adapter is to be used, attach it to the straight tube section
of the trinocular observation tube.
Attaching the Reflected Light Illuminator
Attaching the UV248 Observation Tube
(Fig. 5)