Programmed exposure
One of the basics of photography is exposure. Exposure refers to the amount of the light which strikes the film.
The correct amount of the light, or correct exposure is controlled according to the film speed (indicated on the
film package, such as ISO 100 or ISO 200), the shutter speed and aperture. Many cameras are now equipped
with a programmed exposure function so that the correct exposure can be obtained easily without any
guess-work or previous photography experience.
With programmed auto exposure, the camera automatically sets the most suitable combination of "f" stop
and shutter speed for subjects at any brightness level. As a result, the correct exposure will be obtained almost
immediately. It's an automatic exposure system that means you'll never miss the opportunity to take a
photograph. All the photographer has to do when holding the camera is to concentrate on aiming it correctly
and press the shutter release button. For example, when you change from a dark to bright subject, the camera
adjusts itself to maintain the correct exposure. Anyone can take photographs without worrying about making
a mistake.
Program chart
The chart shown here is a program chart when the focal length is 38 mm and 105 mm. When the subject is
brighter than EV 11 for wide-angle shots and EV 12 for telephoto shots, the aperture and shutter speed change
simultaneously. When the subject is darker, the aperture opens fully and the shutter speed changes. Naturally
the program takes any zoom setting into consideration and sets the aperture and shutter speed which are most
appropriate for every shot. So that camera shake is less of a problem, the shutter speed will not be slower than
1 740 sec. for wide-angle shots and 1/80 sec. for telephoto shots.
When the subject is darker and requires a slower shutter speed,
the flash fires automatically; in the slow-synchro fill-in or flash-off
mode, stays open for as long as needed-up to a long 2 sec.
automatically. (Broken line section)
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