Appendix III: In case of problems with the camera...
Use the
? > About...
command to open the
dialog box.
dialog box shows you information about the software
package (Docu, Auto, Pro), the build number and the serial number of
your software as well as the operating system being used.
The software data mentioned should be at hand when you contact our
customer service personnel.
Please write an e-mail clearly describing the problem (including screen-
shots and example images), as well as the software data from the
dialog box, to our customer service address.
The quickest and most convenient way is to use the automatic e-mail
settings for your customer service query:
Via the
> About... > System Info... > Send
button, an automatic e-mail
is created which you can then complete and send to us. If you have
made an example in TIF format, please attach this to the e-mail as well.
Before you send a mail, please read the notes in your e-mail window
about the data that you're sending us in this e-mail.
Should you not be able to send e-mails from your PC, use the
? >
About... > System Info... > Save Info
button to save the files and to send
them from another computer.
You may, of course, also contact us via telephone or fax:
Tel.: (+ 49) 2 51 / 7 98 00-6444
Fax: (+ 49) 2 51 / 7 98 00-6445.