Process submenus
Tools to analyze and massage data.
The top section lists common image filters. Many
operations use “kernels” that pass over data and do
operations. You can create/use custom filters (Kernel tools).
FFT performs operations in frequency space such as periodic
noise/line removal (very math intensive). Remove haze
requires z stacks and subtracts off a portion of info averaged
from planes above/below the one you are working on. 2D
deconvolution is more optically precise, requiring
information about the optics used (should be already known
for data collected here) to de-haze based on optical theory.
No-neighbor is pure theory, nearest-neighbor uses data from
above/below in addition, to clear blur.
Binary images are only black+white. Mainly used for
special analysis operations.
Arithmetic calculates many operations between
images/stacks or constants (e.g. subtracting a background
StackArithmetic does same but WITHIN a stack
RatioImages creates MetaFluor-like output
FlattenBackground corrects for uneven lighting when no
real background image exists
CorrectShading flattens illumination defects based on a
bright reference image.
ProduceBackgroundCorrectionImage attempts to create a
background from your image.
MorphologyFilters are used to smooth specific interests,
find bright/dark areas, etc. This works on all images, not just binary.
UseRegionForBackground subtracts off the min/avg/max from a ROI defined as background.
SubpixelShift allows image or ROI movements/alignments in steps of 5%.
SegmentImage is an automated method of separating objects in images (for analysis). You can have it find stuff based
on intensity and of texture. It can be hard to get correct output.
Log submenus
Output results to text files and/or Excel
Most measurements go into a data log
Object logs are for Morphometric Routine output
Summary Logs (morphometry) yet another output option (no
detail, just the means, StdDevs, etc)
LogPixelsInRegion lists intensity data for every pixel within a
EdgeLists (generally not used)
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