Restrictions in Use
1. The standard TV adapters are the U-TV1XC, U-TV0.63XC or the combination of UTV1X-2 and U-CMAD3. The
U-TV0.25xC, U-TV0.35xC (or a TV adapter with magnification below 0.5X), U-TV0.5XC and GX-TV0.5XCDP cannot be
used because of optical performance problems.
2. When two or more intermediate attachments are used, the peripheral part of the image may become dark or
obscured depending on the observation tube and objective in use.
* Example of two intermediate attachments with BX microscope: Vertical illum Intermediate attachment
with a length equivalent to the U-CA
3. When a fluorescent lamp illumination or an illumination stand of the SZX/SZX2 series is used, the image may flicker.
4. Combinations of this product and non-Olympus microscopes have not been evaluated extensively. Non-Olympus
microscopes and commercially available C-mount lenses can be used provided that they match a CCD with a size
of no less than 2/3 inch and the lens projection length from the C-mount body attaching section is no more than 6
mm. However, problems due to optical adaptability, such as shading, may be observed.
5. When the specimen has a low contrast (near transparent) or high reflectance (mirror status) and the aperture iris
diaphragm is stopped near the smallest aperture, spot flare may be noticeable.
6. There are some cases that red flare appears in the image of specimen which has very big differences in luminance,
and the strong luminance portion is located in the image. This results from the peripheral surface reflection of the
CCD. This flare can be minimized by adjusting the exposure for strong luminance portion to appropriate level, or by
opening the AS.
7. When the edge of a non-transmitting object is observed by transmitted illumination under the STM6 in combination
with the MM6-OB3X/5X/10X objective and the MM6C-VL/MM6-ETR, flare may be noticeable due to the difference in
brightness between the transmitted sections (over-exposure) and non-transmitting section (underexposure).
To reduce the flare, set a lower exposure using the exposure adjustment function or setting the exposure manually.