What to do if ...?
... the stove doesn’t draw properly?
Is the chimney or the stovepipe not tight?
Has the chimney been incorrectly designed?
Is the external temperature too high?
● Are the doors of other fireplaces connected to the
chimney open?
... the room doesn’t get hot?
Is the heating requirement too high?
Is the waste gas pipe blocked?
Is the combustion air supply been closed?
Is the chimney draught too low?
Is the wood used as fuel not dry?
... the stove gives off too much heat?
Is the combustion air supply open too wide?
Is the delivery pressure too high?
... the grate becomes damaged or slags are formed?
The stove was overloaded.
The ash pan was not emptied in good time.
... the chimney catches fire?
● Inform the fire services and chimney sweep.
Minimize the air supply to the stove.
● Allow the fire in the chimney to burn itself out in a
controlled fashion.
Have a professional determine the cause?