Adjusting the Outfeed Table
1. Once the knives are set it is now time to
set the outfeed table. For proper
operation the height of the outfeed table
must be set to the highest point of the
cutting circle. To do this, set a straight
edge on the outfeed table as shown in
Figure 10.
2. Carefully watch the height of the straight
edge as you gently rock the cutterhead
back and forth as shown by the arrows in
figure 10. Stop when the knife is at its
highest position.
At this point it is time to ‘dial in’ the outfeed
table to the knife. To do this, slowly turn
up or down the table with the table height
adjusting wheel (B, Figure 11) until there
is no light between the table and the
bottom of the straight edge.
4. Once set, lock into place with the height
lock knob (A, Figure 11).
: Failure to adjust the outfeed table will
result in either a curved or sniped work piece.
Keep all guards in place. Keep hands away
from the cutterhead! Always use push
stick when possible. Failure to comply
may cause serious injury.
Hand Safety and Placement
Never pass the hands directly over the cutter
knife. As one hand approaches the knives
remove it from the stock in an arc motion and
place it back on the stock in a position beyond
the cutter knife. See figure 12.
When feeding the work piece, pressure is
applied not only toward the cutterhead but
against the fence and down to the table as
well. At the start of the cut, the left hand holds
the material down and toward the fence while
the right hand pushes toward the cutterhead.
As the material crosses the cutterhead the left
hand comes up and over as in Figure 12 to
continue the pressure but now on the outfeed
table. As the right hand approaches the
cutterhead it is time to move it up and over the
cutterhead in the same fashion as the left in
Figure 12 all the while continuing pressure as
stated above.
Figure 10
Figure 11
Figure 12