for a particular purpose are limited in duration to the du-
ration of this warranty. Olive is not responsible for direct,
special, incidental or consequential damages resulting from
any breach of warranty or condition, or under any other
legal theory, including but not limited to lost profits, down-
time, goodwill, damage to or replacement of equipment
and property, any costs of recovering, reprogramming, or
reproducing any program or data stored in or used with
olive products, and any failure to maintain the confidentiality
of data stored on the product. Olive specifically does not
represent that it will be able to repair any product under this
warranty or make a product exchange without risk to or loss
of programs or data.
Both the product described in this user guide and this
documentation are protected by copyright law. Copyright
remains with the author. Software and documentation may
not be copied, reproduced, translated or distributed in any
form, not even in part, without prior written consent by the
copyright owner. The authors decline any liability with re-
gard to the software described herein. They do not make
any warranties for the correctness of the contents of this
documentation, nor are they liable for any direct or indirect
damages which may arise from the use of, or the inability
to use, either the software or the accompanying documen-
tation, even if the possibility of such damages may have
been brought to their attention. The authors do not assume
responsibility for any bugs or defects in the software. This
restriction of liability extends also to their distributors and
9th Edition Olive Media, Inc. © February 2011
Olive Media Inc.
555 Howard Street
San Francisco, CA 94105
Email: [email protected]