Issue 02 (2019-07-17)
User Manual
6 System Commissioning
Powering Off the System
After the BRE-I-5K14K powers off, the remaining electricity and heat may still
cause electric shocks and body burns. Therefore, put on protective gloves and begin
servicing the BRE-I-5K14K 5 minutes after the power-off.
If the BRE-I-5K14K is connected to the battery, ensure that a shutdown command
is sent from the app. Power off the system after the BRE-I-5K14K has shut down.
If no shutdown command is sent from the app, the BRE-I-5K14K will shut down
after the power grid is powered off. Then, the BRE-I-5K14K will wait for 1
minute and restart (not grid-tied) to charge the battery, which poses the risk of
turning off the DC switch with power.
Step 1
Press the battery ON/OFF button (Figure 5-2) for 5 seconds to turn off the battery;
Step 2
Turn off the AC switch between the BRE-I-5K14K and the power grid.
Step 3
Turn off the DC switch at the bottom of the BRE-I-5K14K.
Step 4
Turn off the DC switch between the PV string and the BRE-I-5K14K if there is any.
Step 5
If a battery connects to the battery port, turn off the battery switch.