OLIMEX© 2016
STM32-H407 user's manual
6.11.2 B1_1/B1_0 and B0_1/B0_0
B1_1/B1_0 and B0_1/B0_0 are PTH jumpers which can be moved relatively easy.
Notice that these two jumpers must be moved together – they are responsible for the boot mode if
bootloader is present. The board can search for bootloader on three places – User Flash Memory,
System Memory or the Embedded SRAM.
If B0_0 is closed the board will try to boot from User Flash Memory.
If B0_1 is closed there are two variants depending on the state of B1_1/B1_0 jumper – if B0_1 is
closed and B1_0 is closed the board will try to boot from System Memory. If B0_1 is closed and
B1_1 is closed bootloader must be located in the Embedded SRAM.
The default positions are B0_0 and B1_0 (Boot from User Flash Memory).
6.11.3 R-T
This is SMD type jumper.
If you close/solder this jumper RST and TRST at the JTAG will be connected.
The default position is open/unsoldered.
6.11.4 3.3V_E
This is SMD type jumper.
Board digital power will be disabled if open/unsoldered
The default position is closed.
6.11.5 AGND_E
This is SMD type jumper.
If open/unsoldered will disable analog ground.
The default position is closed.
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