OLIMEX© 2020
MOD-IO user's manual
5. Introduction to the chapter
In this chapter are presented the connectors that can be found on the board all together with their pinout
and notes about them. Jumpers functions are described. Notes and info on specific peripherals are
presented. Notes regarding the interfaces are given.
5.1 Communication with MOD-IO
There are several ways for communication with MOD-IO and its main microcontroller ATMEGA16A.
The three typical communication routines are: via I2C by utilizing the default firmware; via ISP with a
compatible programmer tool and writing own code; via JTAG with a compatible debugger tool and
writing own code.
The communication with the board's default firmware is performed typically via the I2C line that might
be found on the UEXT connector. For more information on how the default firmware might be accessed
please refer to chapter 2.6.
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