OLIMEX© 2015
A20-SOM user's manual
Q: How to edit board configurations and definitions in the official Debian Linux?
A: Do you want a custom video resolution output? Do you need a different port definition? Do you
need to change the hardware definitions of the board?
It is explained above in the manual. But you can also visit this wiki article:
wiki article
Q: How to edit board configurations and definitions in the official Android images?
A: There is a wiki article about that, please visit:
wiki article
Q: Is it possible to boot Debian from NAND? Do you provide such image?
A: It is possible bu we don't provide such image. There are people who were successful in booting
Debian from the NAND, however. Make sure to check on the forum.
Q: How to generate boot-able SD-card Debian Linux image for A20-SOM?
Build instructions and required files for the latest Debian images:
GitHub location
Note that Linux-Sunxi Kernel is a work-in-progress, this means you can try the current stage/sunxi-
x.x branch but if something is broken and doesn't work just revert to the git tags we give in the blog
and they would work for sure.
Sunxi u-boot loader
– the linux-sunxi git page contains a lot of sources for all Olimex Allwinner
Q: How to detect and enable the Ethernet controller (if it is disabled by default)?
A: You can enable it by following these two steps:
1. To check under what name the LAN is associated write "ifconfig –a"
2. If, for example, it is under eth0 name, then write: "dhclient eth0"
This should enable the Ethernet and then SSH would also be available.
You can also enable auto detection of Ethernet on power-up by removing the comment #auto eth0 in
/etc/network/interfaces in the Linux image.
Q: How to download the prebuilt Android image to a microSD card?
A: First download one of the official Android images, which might be found in the Android section
Make sure that the download link you visit clearly indicates that the image is suitable for the
microSD card since there are images suitable for NAND memory also. The images suitable for the
microSD memory and those suitable for NAND card are different. However, the upload method is
almost identical – using PhoenixSuit.
There are two types of Android images for microSD card that we usually provide and each of them
has to be downloaded to a microSD card using a different method. The image provided for microSD
card is either the native Android image that can be downloaded to the card via a software tool like
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