OLIMEX© 2015
A13-OLinuXino-MICRO user's manual
2.4 Prebuilt software
Note that the A13-OLinuXino and A13-OLinuXino-MICRO lack NAND memory and WIFI and
there isn't OS uploaded on the shipped boards.
So far we have been successful in using Debian booting from SD card with both of the boards. The
same can't be said for booting Android from SD card.
2.5 Software instructions and available SD card images
This can vary depending on what the owner of the board want to achieve. Good collection on
information on the subject can be found at the following WIKI articles:
Other good sources are:
1) the Wordpress site where a lot of side projects are published and explained:
2) the Olimex forum in its A13 section
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