Stud Gun EP-8, EP-9, EP-10
OKU Tools GmbH, 71229 Leonberg, Germany
Screw provided coupling (1) onto the hand grip. Plug compressed air hose into cou-
pling. The gun requires compressed air with approx. 7-8 bar working pressure. The
maximum operating pressure amounts to 10 bar.
5 Operation of the gun
5.1 Insertion of studs
Without feeding unit
: fill the feeding pipe (13) with approx. 10 studs (flange leading).
With feeding unit
: connect the gun with the feeding hose of the studs until feeding
pipe (13) is filled with studs (flange leading).
Moisten tire with low surface tension water. To get this, mix normal tap water with
some drops of usual dish liquid.
Use only less dish liquid to avoid that the inserted stud is
pulled out again when extracting the gun.
Insert spreader fingers (23) into one of the moistened tyre holes. Operate the trigger
(28) and keep it pressed. The stud is pressed into the tire. Release trigger (28); the
gun is now loosen from the tire and the stud is inserted.
Put some pressure onto the gun when inserting the studs.
With some practice and skill you’ll soon find the respective
pressure which shall be applied to reach a steady result.
5.2 Faults during insertion
5.2.1 Studs inserted to deep
Reduce the pressure applied on the gun during insertion.
5.2.2 Studs jut out off the tire
Put more pressure onto the gun when inserting the studs.
Coupling (1) for com-
pressed air connection
(gun for manual use)
Coupling (1) for com-
pressed air connection
(gun for machine)