4345-E P-(i)
The NC unit that features the IGF function is equipped with a variety of safety devices to protect per-
sonnel and the machine from hazards arising as a result of unforeseen accidents while operating
the machine.
However, incorrect use of the function can lead to serious accidents and injuries. In order to prevent
such accidents, read this manual and related manuals carefully so that you can use the IGF function
The points presented below are those that require particular attention when using the IGF function.
Be sure to read this information and follow the instructions in it. The cautions below and the warning
signs attached to the machine cover only those hazards which we can predict. Be aware that they
do not cover all possible hazards.
Precautions on Reading This Manual
This manual only provides information relating to the IGF function: in addition to this manual, manu-
als relating to the operation of the machine and NC unit, the parameters, alarms/errors, mainte-
nance, etc., are also provided.
Read these manuals before actually using the IGF function or running an NC program created using
the IGF function.
Precautions on Use
Starting up the IGF Function
For details about turning on the power and selecting the operation mode before starting up the IGF
function, refer to the manuals relating to operation of the machine and NC unit. Strictly observe the
cautions given in these manuals.
Operations while Using the IGF Function
If any alarm or error occurs while using the IGF function, determine its exact nature and take correc-
tive action by referring to this manual and the manuals relating to alarms and errors.