User Manual
REV 02
Insertion of the Sample Feedback Temperature Sensor
Insert the Sample Feedback Temperature Sensor through the dedicated opening located in the H301-ALPHA3-SMALL
(see Figure 2).
To read the temperature of the culture medium and realize a self-calibration of the chamber, fix the Temperature
Sensor tip with adhesive tape on the sample holder inside the H301-ALPHA3-SMALL. For more information about the
self-calibration, please refer to the User Manual of the Okolab Controller in use.
Figure 2. Insertion of the temperature sensor inside the chamber.
Connection of the Gas Supply
A single silicon tubing carries output gas from the Okolab Gas Controller to H301-ALPHA3-SMALL. Silicon tubing con-
nects to a gas input - brass opening - located on a corner of the H301-ALPHA3-SMALL (see Figure 3). Connect by gently
pushing silicon tubing onto brass opening.
Gas Input
Figure 3.Connection with gas supply.