Printing from Microsoft Office applications
Use the Monitor (9300k) setting. This may help if you are having
problems with specific colours from applications such as Microsoft
Excel or Microsoft PowerPoint. If you are having problems with
specific Office palette colours, the Colour Correct Utility may help.
Printing specific colours (for example a company logo)
Use the sRGB setting. If you are having problems with specific Office
palette colours, the Colour Correct Utility or Colour Swatch Utility may
Adjusting the brightness or intensity of a print
If the print is too light/dark, you can use the Brightness control to
adjust it.
If the colours are too intense/not intense enough, use the Saturation
Utilities you can use with the PCL or PCLXL driver
If you still have problems producing a good colour match, there are 2
utilities on your printer driver CD-ROM that can help:
Colour Correct Utility for Windows: designed to help match
specific Microsoft Office palette colours, or overall
adjustments to RGB colour matching.
Colour Swatch Utility for Windows: designed to help with
printing specific colours. This can be used as a stand-alone
utility, or it can be accessed from the PCL/PCLXL driver Colour