© 2018 OJ Electronics A/S
INSTRUCTIONS Commissioning guide for AHC-3000
Cloud status
√ Status of the cloud connection (Not connected/Connecting/Connected/Access denied/Error)
Device ID
√ Device ID on the AHC-3000 controller
Terms & conditions
√ You must accept the Terms & Conditions before the AHC-3000 will connect to the OJ Air Cloud
√ Terms & Conditions are available on https://oj.hvac-cloud.com
! After accepting the Terms & Conditions, the AHC-3000 will start uploading data to OJ Air
Activation key
√ Read out the activation key. This must be used to log on to your OJ Air Cloud
Find more information for OJ Air Cloud
on: https://oj.hvac-cloud.com
14. Configuring the application
Now we will start to configure the application.
First, select the AHU type from among these main categories:
The AHC-3000 must be in the operational mode “Service stop”.
1. Rotor heat exchanger
2. Counter-flow heat exchanger
3. Cross-flow heat exchanger
4. Mixing
5. Supply
6. Extract
If you use the “Autoconfiguration” function (see index 16 in this manual), you must make the
autoconfiguration” before configuring the AHU type (see index 14.1 below).
14.1 Configuring the AHU type
Here, select the type of AHU (see fig. 14.1)
After selecting the AHU type, select the size* of the AHU ( see fig. 14.2………14.7)
*Size is the max. volume of the AHU in m
A number of predefined AHU sizes are listed:
Fig. 14.1