Connect the red cord to the red socker of the transmitter and the black cord to the
black socket of the transmitter. Disconnect all lines from the lawnmover station.
Connect the red cable to one of the wires of the affected line. The black cable has an
attached spike, stick this spike into the ground. Turn on the transmitter by pressing
the button briefly. For control, the red LED lights. The transmitter will turn off after an
hour, but can be turned on when needed again. If the transmitter don´t stays on
again, the battery has undervoltage. The security level is activated to prevent deep
discharge. The transmitter must be charged using the AC adapter.
The receiver OE - SF R30V
Fitted is the receiver with a search coil and a high-sensitivity controlled RF amplifier.
The analysis is controlled by a processor. The signal strength of the received
modulated AC voltage is carried out visually and acoustically. To locate exactly the
break or interruption of the affected line, the near field key can be used.