Ohio Medical, 1111 Lakeside Drive, Gurnee, Il 60031 (866) 549-6446 | Fax: (847) 855-6218
—– 550542 (Rev.6) 06/2016
P a g e
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Inability to retain a charge is the most detectable sign of a deteriorated battery.
1. If unit is plugged in to AC outlet, remove from AC outlet. Disconnect wires from the
battery terminals. Disconnect wire harness from power supply (see diagram below).
When re-connecting ensure that BLACK wire is connected to the BLACK terminal (-)
and the RED wire is connected to the RED terminal (+). Turn on the switch and verify
IDT Connector
that the pump will run to ensure proper placement of the battery wires. In addition,
make sure IDT connector is placed in correct position.
2. Note the orientation of the battery being replaced.
D) WARNING: Decontamination
In the event that contaminated fluids have ingressed beyond the hydrophobic filter, follow
the procedure outlined below. In addition, always use proper protective gear (i.e. rubber/
latex gloves, goggles, etc.) when in contact with contaminated parts:
1. Remove the device from the AC power source prior to cleaning and clean the interior
of the chassis.
2. Disconnect the battery from the PC board to prevent damaging the PC board.
3. Disinfect the unit using a mild surface disinfectant, such as a 10:1 mixture of water
and bleach.
4. Depending on the amount of contamination ingression within the pump system, re-
move and replace, or clean, all affected components.
a. Items that can be cleaned: Housing, Gauge and Regulator
b. Items that must be replaced if exposed to fluids and contaminates: Tubing, Control
Circuit, Power Supply, Pump, Switch.