Error Codes List
When internal and some external problems occur with the balance, the internal software
will display messages as error codes. Explanations are given for possible problems.
Try remedies in order indicated.
Error Codes
Err 1 chEct
Invalid checksum data.
a) Cycle balance ON/OFF,
b) Balance requires servicing.
Err 2 LoAd
Overload (>cap+90d) or Underload
a) Remove load,
b) Check shipping lock,
c) Recalibrate.
Err 4 WEIght
Incorrect calibration weight.
a) Use correct calibration weights,
b) Check environmental conditions.
Err 5 999999
Displayed value >99999
a) Exit application,
b) Rezero balance.
Err 6 count
Parts counting error - balance exits parts counting.
a) Exit application,
b) Rezero balance.
Err 8 FULL
RS232 buffer is full.
a) Cycle ON/OFF,
b) Check RS-232 settings in balance and computer.
Err 9 dAtA
Internal data error. The next button press or a 5 second time-out
causes the balance to turn off.
a) Cycle ON/OFF,
b) Return balance for servicing.
5 Scout Pro English Operation 2 71160417.p65
3/6/2003, 11:01 AM