Marking Directive
EN60950: 1992 + A1: 1993 + A2: 1993
Electrical equipment for use
+ A3: 1995 + A4: 1997
within specified voltage limits
EN61326: 1997 + A1: 1998
Electomagnetic compatibility
Electrical equipment for measurement, control
and laboratory use
Ted Xia
Ohaus Corporation
Pine Brook, NJ USA
Date: March 6, 2003
Ohaus Corporation
19A Chapin Road
P.O. Box 2033
Pine Brook, NJ 07058
hereby declares that the following products are in conformity with the EEC directives
listed below (including any and all modifications).
Balance models: SP202, SP401, SP402, SP601, SP2001, SP2001N, SP4001,
SP6000, SPE123, SPE202, SPE402, SPE401, SPE601, SPE2001, SPE4001,
SPE6000, SPU123, SPU202, SPU402, SPU401, SPU601, SPU2001, SPU4001
SPU6000, SPG202F, SPG402F, SPG401F, SPG601F, SPG2001F, SPG4001F,
SPG6000F, SPS202F, SPS402F, SPS401F, SPS601F, SPS2001F, SPS4001F,
SPS6000F, JS40, JS500, JS1200
Declaration of Conformity
The undersigned, representing the following manufacturer
ISO 9001 Certificate for Ohaus Corporation
Ohaus Corporation, USA was examined and evaluated in
1994 by the Bureau Veritus Quality International (BVQI) and was awarded the ISO 9001 certificate. This
certifies that Ohaus Corporation, USA, has a quality system that conforms to the international standards
for quality management and quality assurance (ISO 9000 series). Repeat audits are carried out by BVQI
at intervals to check that the quality system is operated in the proper manner.
Johan Dierbach
General Manager
Ohaus Europe
Greifensee, Switzerland
Date: March 6, 2003
Last two digits of the year which the CE marking was affixed: 03
1 Scout Pro English cover 71160417.p65
3/6/2003, 10:59 AM