Turning the Balance ON
Turning the Balance ON
Turning the Balance ON
Turning the Balance ON
Turning the Balance ON
With no load on the pan, turn the balance
ON by pressing the ON TARE button.
When first switched ON, all segments of
the display should be on as shown in the
This display check will be displayed briefly,
then the model number of the balance,
followed by a short countdown. The dis-
play will momentarily blank and then indi-
cate zero. All of the displays shown at the
right only appear during initial power-up.
Auto Range Models
Auto Range Models
Auto Range Models
Auto Range Models
Auto Range Models
(JR400D and JR4KD)
(JR400D and JR4KD)
(JR400D and JR4KD)
(JR400D and JR4KD)
(JR400D and JR4KD)
Auto range balances offer both a fine
range (lower capacity/higher readability)
and a coarse range (higher capacity/lower
readability). When first turned on, the bal-
ance is in the fine range. It remains in this
range until the weight on the pan exceeds
the fine range capacity. When weight on
the pan is greater than the fine range
capacity, the balance switches to the
coarse range.
If weight on the pan falls back to within the
fine range capacity, coarse range read-
ability remains in effect until you tare the
balance with no weight on the pan.
Before initally using the balance, allow
time for it to adjust to changes in environ-
ment. The balance need only be plugged
in to warm up. Recommended warm up
period is thirty minutes.