Patent No. 6,766,028 - OFI Testing Equipment, Inc.
OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
To access the Options screen, choose “Options” from the “Edit” menu.
“900 Calibration Mode”
- Place the slider on “ORCADA
Software” to
enable the calibration screen. Place the slider on “Onboard” to calibrate the
unit using the onboard controls.
“Low Shear Stress Calibration Mode”
- Check this box if you intend to
calibrate the instrument at low shear rates. With this option enabled, the
software limits the calibration rate set (see page 16) to speeds of 100 RPM
and below and including 300 RPM.
“Spring Constant”
- Enter the type of spring being used in the unit.
“Scientific Instruments pH Com Port”
- This field specifies which Com port
the external pH Meter is connected to.
“Enable pH”
- Check this box if you are using an external pH Meter. This will
enable the “pH” and “Temp pH” fields in the process variable area of the Main
Screen. It will also make “pH” an option on the key to the graph.
“RPM DAQ Settings”
- “RPM High”, “RPM Med” and “RPM Low”, “Dead
Time”, “DAQ Time”. These fields are used to determine the amount of time
needed for the sample to stabilize at a given rate. The fields are also used
to determine the amount of time data is averaged before being saved. For
example, if RPM High is set to 60, Dead Time is set to 15 and DAQ Time is
set to 20, any rate of 60 RPM or greater during a sweep would stabilize for 15
seconds then begin averaging data for 20 seconds before saving the data.
“Com Port”
- This field specifies which Com port the viscometer is
connected to. See page 55 for more information.
“DAQmx Device Name”
- If multiple DAQ cards are installed on the PC,
choose the card you wish the unit to use.
“Reverse Rates Gel UI”
- If “Hysteresis” is selected on the “Test
Builder” screen (see page 27), this option will perform a gel test after both
the forward and backward portions of the sweep.
“Data Archive Directory”
- This field specifies the directory to store archived