The ultra-lightweight wheelchairs
QPX Titanium and QPX Aluminium
are non-
invasive medical devices, specifically designed to reduce and counterbalance a
physical handicap.
These wheelchairs, manually propelled on the back wheels, have many setups and a wide
range of accessories that meet any customer need.
Their setup, as well as any regulation and/or adjustment MUST be performed uniquely
by qualified personnel.
It is forbidden to use the wheelchairs or parts of them in different ways from those
described on this manual.
QPX Parts
1. Pushing handle
2. Backrest
3. Sideguards
4. Seat
5. Semi-crossbar
6. Frame
7. Footrest housing
8. Footrest/footplate
9. Front forks
10. Parking brakes
11. Rear wheel hub/bush
RW Rear wheel
FC Front castor
QPX is a folding frame wheelchair, available in TI version (Titanium frame) and AL
(aluminium frame). Other details are made of composite materials, carbon fibre, and
various specific aluminium or steel alloys. Various frame colours are available and can
be combined with various coloured anodized accessories and details sets.