Car Information
These two fields show two free text to the user's choice. You should be activated with the flag of choice
and duly compiled this text will overlap the video during recording. It is suggested to fill ithese fields with
the vehicle plate or any unique identifier of the vehicle and / or driver. Time setting
This field contains a menu for selecting the time zone and the correct time. The system does not allow
either the automatic switch the Daylight Saving time ON/OFF. Copy player to SD card
This function allows you to make a copy of the software in use on the microSD. Continous recording
This section allows you to switch from recording event, where movies are saved only generated as a
result of manual activation (REC Button) or activation accelerometer (G Force), the continuous recording
mode where all movies are saved in a single stream regardless of the presence or absence of manual
activations or G-Shock. Unit of speed
This section allows you to select the preferred unit of measurement for speed. The proposed options are
km / h mph and knots. G-Sensor Sensitivity
This panel allows configuration of the device g-sensors and then setting the thresholds that reveal the
assertion of events based accelerometer.
The software offers three standard configurations for different type of dimensions and for each category
offers a range within which to set thresholds on the 3-axis accelerometer:
Car: for vehicles and other means of small size
Bus: For buses and medium-sized
Truck: for trucks and large vehicles.
It is recalled that each configuration performed will be reported in the system log in the event of need
for diagnostic