ZR7 Keypad
Use the ZR7 keypad to program your workout before you begin, to change settings while you are running, or to
program coached workouts using RUN+, X-Mode, and CROSS CiRCUIT.
button turns the LCD console on or off. Once you turn on the console, you may
begin running, or you may use the keypad buttons to program your workout. The Power button
functions as a “reset” button if you are programming or performing a workout and you wish to
“start over”.
The clock (
) button can be used in several ways to increase or decrease the length of your
workout. The time displays in
up to the time of 59:59; then it switches to
. The maximum time is 99 hours.
• At the beginning of your workout, the large time display is blinking. Simply begin pedaling
to start your workout with the clock counting up toward an specified workout time.
• To set a workout time
at the beginning
of your workout, press (
) to move the time
setting from 00:00 (minutes:seconds) up to the time you want. Each press of the button
moves the time setting by 1 minute. Press
when you reach the time you want, and
the clock begins
counting down
from your selected end time.
Here’s a convenient short-cut for longer time settings: from 00:00 press (
) to move the
time to 03:00 (three hours), and then use (
) or (
) to adjust from there. Press
you reach the time you want.
• To set or adjust a workout time
after you have started
your workout, press
then (
or (
) to move the time setting to the total workout time you want. Again, each press of
the button moves the time setting by 1 minute. Once you have reached the total workout
time you want, press
. The program calculates the
remaining time
in your workout
(subtracting the elapsed time from the total time selected) and begins
counting down
toward your selected end time. If the total is less than the elapsed time of your workout,
the console will count down a cool down period before ending your workout.