4. Connect the serial cable between the null modem adapter and the serial port of
the host computer.
Follow these steps to use the serial console:
5. For communication using HyperTerminal (or equivalent), the following settings
must be used:
Connect using:
Direct to COM1, COM2, COM3, or COM4
(select the port the serial cable is connected to)
Baud rate:
no parity, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit
Flow control:
Terminal support:
ANSI terminal option–
Wrap lines that exceed
terminal width:
Yes (uncheck box)
6. Start HyperTerminal. You are now ready to establish communications between
the host PC and the XE–700 SBC.
7. Power on the XE–700 SBC. Console data will be redirected to COM1 and will
be displayed on the host computer.
8. If you do not get the proper logon message check the HyperTerminal serial
parameters of the host PC to make sure they match the settings in step 5. You
might also try setting the “S” switch, Switch 4 position 1, to Off to force the
XE–700 SBC card to the system defaults, which includes 38400 baud rate.
Some function keys entered on the host computer do not transmit across a serial
console. The F2 key for entering Setup does transmit across a serial console.