To switch between modes, the following two commands are used:
Escape sequence
(+++) sets the modem from the on–line mode
back to a command mode and
ATO command
returns the modem back to the online mode
again after a +++ has been issued
Escape sequence
Once the modem is on–line, the special escape sequence of +++
returns the modem to the command mode without breaking the
modem’s connection. To issue the escape sequence once the modem
is on–line. Type:
After the third plus is entered, the modem should respond with an
“OK” or “0”. (The c++ is not followed by a carriage
The escape character (+) may be changed to any other character by
changing the value in the S2 register. Refer to the table on
S–Register commands.
Returning to online mode
Once you have issued an escape sequence to the modem, you are still
connected to the remote modem but in the command mode. To
return to the online mode and continue communications with the
remote system, use the O command, type:
The modem will respond with a message and return you to the on–
line mode.