BA_GMLW OTE bis V3.4 SHORT_EN_20090408_V1
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4.6.4 Sensor
De-icing sensors
2 de-icing sensors (
) are to be in-
stalled in the fin-packet of the evaporator. (See
the wiring diagram for the exact positioning of
the sensors) For this, a 4-pole cable is to be run
from the indoor unit to the evaporator. The sen-
sors are then connected together with the 4-
pole cable in a terminal box which is protected
against moisture (not supplied with heat pump).
The external sensor (
) of the control system
is to be installed at approximately 2.5 m height
on the outer side of the building wall (North or
West side). Care must be taken that the ther-
mometer is not exposed to direct solar radiation
or wind; as such placement influences the op-
erational characteristics of the control system.
The heat generator sensor (
) is normally
included with the heat pump at delivery. If a
buffer storage tank or a low loss header is to be
implemented, the sensor is to be mounted in-
ternally in the storage device. Placement
should occur in the top third of the tank. If there
is no low loss header, the heat generator sen-
sor (
) will not be installed. See separate
Instruction „Wiring diagram“
The hot water sensor
is included with the
heat pump at delivery. Placement should occur
in the bottom third, to max. the middle of the
tank. OCHSNER hot water tanks have suitable
sleeve fittings for this installation.
Should a mixing circuit be installed additionally
to the heating circuit, then the mixing circuit
sensor (
) is included in the delivery along
with strapping and heat conducting paste. The
sensor is to be installed directly after the mixing
circuit pump.
Do not expose the sensor terminals
to a voltage > 10 V. This may dam-
age or destroy the control.
Pumps, motors 230 VAC
Pumps (heating circuit pumps, water charging
pumps) as well as motors (mixing valves, etc.)
are to be wired directly to the control.
A test-run may only be
undertaken on a fully-prepared sys-
tem that is ready for commissioning!
(Hydraulically connected, correct
compressor rotation ensured).
Utility control contact
In the case of tariff switching (interrupted power
supply) the heat pump will be temporarily
switched off by the utility. A control input (bridge
on terminal EVU, terminal strip X3) is present in
the control. If the tariff switching takes place in
the meter (Night Tariff), the EVU contact must
not be activated.
Fig. 8: Tariff switching contact on terminal X3