UT-MT-0972_1.0_19-09-2022 (EN)
Use and Maintenance Manual
Before carrying out any intervention on the device, cut off all external power sources and
place appropriate work-in-progress warnings on the systems.
Wait for the discharging time (at least 5 min) and check using appropriate instruments that
there are no residual energies before accessing the electrical equipment.
To minimize operations, always pay the greatest attention to handling and storage of devices and carry out installation
procedures with extreme precision.
Scheduled maintenance
In accordance with the suggestions contained in the document FAA AC 150 5340-28, LED PAPI 66 must be
subjected to regular maintenance.
In order to assure the proper functioning of the fixtures and the maximum duration of the operating lifetime of
the device all the checks and periodical audits must be carried out and, if necessary, the necessary corrective
procedures must be activated to restore and ensure operative safety levels foreseen by the standards.
Do not let running devices not properly maintained or fixtures presenting signs of damage
or fault.
Each maintenance operation carried out on the devices must be noted on the maintenance register.
every day
Check of the normal operation of the fixture.
Command control.
Check of the general conditions to identify any damages caused by service vehicles or
External cleaning of the lens and of the filters.
Check of the mechanical parts to identify any damages.
Check the status of the protective devices (dischargers) - if present.
Search for any damage caused by seepage of water and by insect infestations
Search for presence of rodents.
Verification of the alignment and pointing of LHA modules.
Verification of the adjustment and of the functioning of the tilt switch.
every 4
Integrity check of the OCS buffer zone (obstacle-free) in approach direction.
every 6
Verification of the insulation resistance of the underground cables.
Verification of the earth resistance of the system.
every year
Check the stability of the civil works.
Replacement of fixtures presenting breakdowns or malfunctions.
Check of the electrical connections and of the isolation degree of the system (to be carried
out during intervention requiring the removal of the fixture cover).
Check of the mounting gaskets (to be carried out during intervention requiring the removal of
the fixture cover).
Check of the integrity of the electric cables (to be carried out during intervention requiring the
removal of the fixture cover).
Removal of snow (when necessary).