The acceleration raw data in G's can be output. The format is as follows:
G=Gravity vector, will be close to 1 if no dynamic acceleration present
Gx=X axis component of acceleration in G's
Gy=Y axis component of acceleration in G's
Gz=Z axis component of acceleration in G's
The "G" vector overall length will tell you if the platform is stable or experiencing
dynamic acceleration. Any dynamic acceleration changes the vector length from
near 1 to a lower or higher value.
Configuring the output sentence of the compass (Not Required)
The <esc>X {decimal} <enter> command will let you set the bit mask of what
values the compass outputs. If you enter the max value of 4095 (all 12 bits set)
the compass will output all values. Use the Compass Demo program to help your
set this field on the compass. The program can be downloaded from:
Installing Windows Demo Utility
The windows demo utility is located on the web. Download the
CompassDemo5000.zip file and open it. This installer will put the compass demo
program on your system.