6. Turn on the terminator switch in the last DMX Junction Box in the chain (the other junction boxes if fitted
should have the switch turned off).
Figure 5: DMX Terminator switch
7. Connect DC power. See below table for supply requirements
The DMX junction box(s) require a 12 / 24v DC supply. DO NOT CONNECT TO MAINS AC! The power
requirements vary depending on the type and number of X8 / X16 Colours lights connected to the junction
The tables below show the nominal maximum current draw for each junction box depending on the number of
connected lights (ensure the correct table is used depending on the supply voltage). For example, the supply current
to a junction box with three X16’s and one X8 connected would be 11.6 Amps with a 12V DC supply.
The required supply cable gauge will depend on the current draw (from the tables above) and the length of the cable
run from the fuse / breaker panel and system switch to the junction box. Please use the cable gauge table in the
appendix for the required cable conductor size per junction box. If in doubt always select the next larger conductor
size up (i.e., the next lower AWG number).
The supply cable must be protected by a suitable fuse or breaker.