Chapter 2: Installation
: OceanLED makes every effort to protect our marine and fresh water
environment as well as our natural resources. Please take care to keep packaging away from and out of the
water by ensuring loose packaging materials are secured and not susceptible to being blown into the water.
Please recycle all packaging materials as the sustainability of our environment is everyone's responsibility.
2.1 Preparing the mounting surface
Always wear safety goggles and a dust mask
Drill a 3mm / 1/8” pilot hole square to mounting surface from inside the mounting surface if
possible. If there is a rib, strut, or other irregularity near the selected mounting location, this will
need to be taken into account in the planning phase and the location adjusted accordingly, or the
obstruction safely removed or modified.
Using a suitable drill, make a 1/2" (12-13mm) hole. Ensure the light will fit flush and will be square to
the mounting surface.
Sand the area around the hole using a heavy grit sandpaper. Ensure that the sealant will adhere
properly to the mounting surface.
Place light fixture into position or use mounting template provided. Mark the screw hole position
and pilot drill using correct sized drill bit for included screws.
Always dry fit units before applying any sealant.
2.2 Installation
Only use screws provided. Never use power tools to secure your light; hand tighten only
Please check all components prior to installation. If there is any damage to connectors, cables, and/
or any other component, please notify OceanLED BEFORE installation. Failure to notify Ocean- LED
of damage in transit prior to installation will lead to violation of warranty.
Light is for mounting directly to a flat surface on the spreader for M6 or Mounting surface for A6,
with the cable passing through a 1/2" (12.5mm) hole. Do not submerse your cable in water; cable
and connections exposed to underwater submersion will not be covered by warranty. Mounting the
light in any other configuration, other than those described in this guide, will invalidate its warranty.
Use existing holes where possible.
When drilling holes, consideration should be given to structural integrity when determining light
Always wear suitable safety equipment.
Use a suitable marine sealant such as 3M™ Marine Adhesive Sealant Fast Cure 4200FS. When
applying sealant to light fixture, be careful to protect the lens from any abrasive surface/floor so as
not to remove the protective Tritonium coating.
OceanLED INSTALL / M6-A6 / 280417 / v7.0