A8814 Acq
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represent invalid data.
For data exported from the BMO website, the columns that are invalid (NULL) are reported as blank fields. This
makes it easier to import into MS Excel as blank cells. With the current firmware, the AcquiSuite will report blank
fileds rather than "NULL" to make direct import of data from the AcquiSuite easier, as well as reduce the file size.
Developers intending to use data files from the AcquiSuite should handle both the word "NULL" as well as a
blank column as indications of an invalid data point.
Log Storage Capacity
The AcquiSuite uses approximately 8 Mbytes of flash disk for log file storage. As data from the modbus meters is
collected, it is appended to log files on this flash chip. Once a day (at the first call-out period for uploading data)
the log files are "rotated". This action renames each log file and compresses the old file using gzip. The net result
is a smaller file for storage or modem/ethernet transfer.
Because the files are compressed, the actual size of the data on the flash chip will vary depending on the data
itself. For example, if a device is reporting 25KWh, it will use fewer bytes than a log entry that has
We have measured a typical installation with 5 H8036 power meters and 5 A8923 IO modules, and determined
the system will run for well over a hundred days with a 15 minute log cycle. Changing the number of meters, the
type of log data, or the log cycle period will affect your results accordingly. Please read Technote “TN-03” at
obvius.com for more information about log file storage capacity.
When the AcquiSuite storage area on the flash starts to run out of space, the following action is taken:
When the 8 Mbyte log file storage area is 75% full, the AcquiSuite will immediately compress the log files
and attempt to upload the data to the BMO website or user specified site. This action will not wait until
the next scheduled upload time.
When the storage area is 95% full, the AcquiSuite will immediately attempt to upload the data, and if
unsuccessful, will purge the oldest (rotated) log data file.
Log files are deleted automatically if the AcquiSuite has successfully uploaded the log file to a database server
using the HTTP/Post protocol. If you do not configure the AcquiSuite to automatically push the log files to your
server, you must manually delete them. To delete log files, refer to the FTP method of downloading log files.
One step detailed in the FTP section is how to delete a log file from the AcquiSuite.
Uploading data to the BMO website
After the AcquiSuite has been configured and has logged some data, you will want to collect the data for
analysis. There are several ways of collecting the data from the AcquiSuite including the Building Manager Online
service. Other methods are noted in the data collection FAQ. This section details configuring the AcquiSuite for
use with the BMO service.
Step 1:
First, use your browser to connect to the AcquiSuite. Select the Modbus/Setup section from the menu on
the left. In the field titled "Modbus Loop Name" enter a name for this AcquiSuite to uniquely identify it on the
BMO website. Because the BMO site can show multiple AcquiSuite devices, it is important to have a descriptive
name in this field.
Step 2:
Select the “Log File Data”, “Setup/Upload” menu option. The following features are available:
AcquiSuite Serial Number:
This is the serial number that uniquely identifies this AcquiSuite. This number
can not be changed. When uploading data to the BMO website, this serial number is used to identify the
AcquiSuite to the BMO server.
Scheduled upload time:
This option allows you to control when the AcquiSuite will initiate the upload
process. You can select any hour of the day, and the AcquiSuite will select some time at random within