Before use
Before the electronic kitchen scale is taken into use for the first time, please read
this instruction manual thoroughly and keep it for future use.
About scales
There are several types of scales:
1. The traditional mechanical scale that estimates the weight on the basis of
spring action - subsequently the weight can be read from a dial.
2. The digital scale which is in fact also a mechanical scale with the exception
that weight measurements are read from a display.
3. The modern electronic scale which performs weighing by means of an elec-
tronic sensor and converts the weight electronically for display reading. The
advantage of the electronic scale over the mechanical or digital scales is first
and foremost that it performs far more accurate weight measurements – and
will continue to do so. The mechanical and digital scales become increasingly
inaccurate over time, partly due to worn springs in these types of scales.
Please note that electronic scales are sensitive to major temperature swings. In-
accuracies may occur if the scale is cold. The scale consequently functions best at
normal room temperature.
Replacement and insertion of batteries
The scale requires 1 type CR2032 lithium battery which must be inserted before
the scale can be taken into use. Allow the scale to adapt to room temperature
before use.
To insert batteries remove the battery door on the back of scale. The battery can
now be inserted or replaced by placing it in the battery compartment so that the
battery is firmly fixed – make sure that the battery is placed correctly.
Re-attach battery door. When battery replacement is required,
appears in the
The scale reads ‘0’. Place the scale on a completely plain surface and switch it on
by pressing ON/TARE/OFF button lightly. The scale is now ready for use. The scale
can weigh up to a maximum of 5 kg.
When the scale is switched on, the top line in the display reads ‘lb, fl. oz, g, ml’.
Use the ON/TARE/OFF button to switch between g, fl. oz, lb oz, and ml inside the
first 2 seconds after the scale has been switched on.
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