attack on ENV 2 controlling the filter from a closed
lowpass configuration: the VCA will be
open-and-closed again before any significant output
is developed from the filter.
- are the oscillators tuned higher than audibility?
- is the proper assignment switch--in the
mini-sequencer--set to keyboard control of the mod-
- if the assignment switch is not set to keyboard control,
is the clock on or off? (No gates can be produced, of
course, unless the clock is on.)
- how high is the sustain level on ENV 1? In legato key-
board playing, when the VCA is under control of ENV
1, there must be some sustain voltage or the output
of the module will disappear more or less rapidly,
depending on the decay time setting of ENV 1. The
same holds for the filter when its manual setting is
closed and only ENV 2 opens it.
- there are really only two ways to get continuous sound
from a module; one of them you are already familiar
with since that's how we started you off: the VCA
BYPASS switch on, and the filter open. If either of
these conditions does not hold then no continuous
sound is possible, except that
- with certain envelope settings, under gating from the
clock, an extremely high tempo setting of the clock
control will produce virtually continuous sound sim-
ply because of the high tempo. (Imagine playing notes
on a piano as rapidly as possible, like a mando-
lin-"continuous sound".) Naturally this can't happen
unless the proper assignment switch on the minise-
quencer is set for gating from the clock rather than
the keyboard.
As you already know, the ASSIGNMENTS switches in the minise-
quencer section of your Oberheim synthesizer must be down in
order to play the voice modules from the keyboard. In the down
position, each module gets a keyboard control voltage, which
controls the oscillator pitches, and a keyboard gate signal,
which starts and stops the envelope generators.
If the assignment switch for either voice module is in either
the middle or upper position, both the keyboard control voltage
and the keyboard gate signal are disconnected from the module