EFM DEG 2a Manual Download Page 1

DEG 2a - Dual ADSR


Dual ADSR Envelope generator. 


Common Gate 


+/-12 or +/- 15V 




Press the overlay on the panel blank 


Drill and clean the holes 


Remove the application tape and cutouts 


Mount the jacks, switches, pots ect... to the panel. 


Install the resistors 


Install the IC sockets 


Install the capacitors 


Cut and solder header strip pins in pads used to connect wire to the board 


Plug the ICs into their sockets 


Mount the L-Brackets to the board with 440 screws and nuts, using the non threaded end of the bracket 


Mount the board to the panel with 440 screws using the threaded end of the bracket 


Wire the panel mounted parts to the header pins. 



D3 and D6 are mounted to the control pots. Do not install them on the pc-board. 


The LEDS are no longer used you can also omit R12 and R17. 


For faster envelopes change R9,10,11,14,15 and 16 from 1K to 100ohms. Change C6 and 8 from 10uF to 4.7uF 


