e. The vehicle is not equipped with the selected system.
4.2 Diagnostic Procedure
Connect the diagnostic scanner to the vehicle via the test main cable -> Register (see
Personal Center section for details) -> Log in (see Personal Center section for details) ->
Download/Upgrade diagnostic software – > Select functions and models – > Execute the
diagnosis –> Complete diagnostics and exit.
NOTE: Before exiting or closing the diagnostic application, you must first exit the diagnostic
operation interface and terminate all communication between the smart device and the
vehicle. As communication interruption may cause damage to the vehicle ECU, it is necessary
to ensure that the test main cable is well connected with the smart device and the vehicle in
the process of diagnostic communication, and make sure you have exited all diagnostic
communications before disconnecting the diagnosis main cable or turning off the device.
5 Personal Center
This module is used to set up and manage account details and to check dealer’s information.
5.1 User Registration
When the user gets a brand new diagnostic scanner, he/she needs to register an account in
the Personal Center before logging in the Upgrade app to download software.
Registration Procedure:
Tap the
[Personal Center]
icon in the DP menu, then the login interface will be shown.