Freescale Semiconductor
Monitor Commands
Table 4: Monitor Commands
BF <StartAddress> <EndAddress> [<data>] Block Fill memory range with data
BR [<Address>]
Set/Display user breakpoints
CALL [<Address>]
Call user subroutine at <Address>
GO [<Address>]
Begin/continue execution of user code
Display the Mon12 command summary
Load S-Records into memory, P = Paged S2
MD <StartAddress> [<EndAddress>]
Memory Display Bytes
MM <Address>
Modify Memory Bytes (8 bit values)
MW <Address>
Modify memory Words (16 bit values)
MOVE <StartAddress> <EndAddress>
Move a block of memory
Display all CPU registers
OFFSET – [arg]
Offset for download
Continue program execution
Modify CPU Register Contents
STOPAT <Address>
Trace until address
T [<count>]
Trace <count> instructions
: Items in Italics are not implemented at this time.
Interrupt Support
All interrupt services under are provided through the relocated vector table, see Table 5 below.
Each location in the table is initialized to a value of $0000 to cause the trap of an unscheduled
interrupt. Any nonzero value will allow the interrupt to proceed to the user's service routine
that should be located at the address indicated. The interrupt service delay is +21 cycles over
the standard interrupt service.
To use vectors specified in the table, the user must insert the address of the interrupt service
routine during software initialization into the ram interrupt table. For an example, for the IRQ
vector, the following is performed:
IRQ Service routine label = IRQ_SRV
Ram Vector Table address is defined in table below, IRQ vector definition:
VIRQ EQU $0FF2 ; define ram table vector location
Place IRQ service routine address in the table:
This vector initialization will remain in effect until a RESET is invoked.