11. On the final screen, click “Finish.” The
OSBDM driver is now loaded.
Downloading the Software to
12. Extract the LAB1.zip file to your working
directory (d:\work).
13. Open CodeWarrior for Microcontrollers
v6.3. Use the Windows Start Menu >
All Programs > Freescale CodeWarrior>
CodeWarrior Development Studio for
Microcontrollers V6.3 > CodeWarrior IDE.
It is important to open the correct
CodeWarrior product and version. Multiple
CodeWarrior programs can be installed on the
same computer.
14. In the CodeWarrior menu, select File >
Open. Then, browse to the following path
and file: d:\work\LAB1\MEDEKGSW\SW
for MM devices\ECG for S08MM\Ecg for
15. Ensure that the selected target is “HCS08
FSL Open Source BDM.” Click the “Debug”
button as shown below.
You may encounter compiler warnings.
Please ignore them.
16. If the following warning appears, click “OK.”
17. When the device has been programmed,
close the window and disconnect both
mini-USB cables from TWR-S08MM128
and TWR-SER boards.