Lab Tutorial for TWR-S08MM128-KIT
36. If the “Display Raw Data” checkbox is
selected, the graph’s data will be shown
in the column on the right side. It may be
useful to copy and paste the data to the
spreadsheet for later analysis.
37. Alternatively, you can also display the EKG
signal without using the DSC by following
these steps:
• Open the Ecg.h file from the following
path: d:\work LAB1\MEDEKGSW\SW for
MM devices\app\ekg\Med-EKG
• In the Ecg.h file comment out #define
ECG_DSC to //#define ECG_DSC
• Reprogram the S08MM128 (repeat
step 13 to 17)
• Reconnect the mini-USB cable to
• Repeat steps 29 to 36. You will notice
the EKG amplitude will be much smaller.
This is because you are no longer
reading the results amplified by the
DSC. You will also notice the red LED
mentioned under the “Get to Know
the MED-EKG” section in Figure 1 will
continue to blink.