NXP Semiconductors
PNEV5190B evaluation board quick start guide
Figure 13. PNEV5190 firmware block diagram
4.2.1 PC host
The PC is hosting the NFC Cockpit tool, and it should provide a USB connection. The PC
host is connected to the microcontroller host via a USB Serial VCOM interface.
PC host is optional; it is required in case of using the NFC Cockpit tool.
4.2.2 Microcontroller host
Microcontroller, in this setup, works as a medium between PC and PN5190. The purpose
of it is to receive data from the PC over the USB interface and forward them to PN5190
via the SPI interface.
In case of setup, where secure FW update application is hosted on the microcontroller
host, the app reads the firmware data from an external source and sends them to
PN5190 IC via SPI interface.
4.2.3 PN5190
The PN5190 is a highly integrated high-performance full NFC Forum-compliant frontend
IC for contactless communication at 13.56 MHz.
PN5190 supports secure FW updates, and guidelines are described in the next sections.
4.3 Reference application
NXP provides “DownloadLibEx1” application as a reference example, which
demonstrates how to flash a new firmware by an application hosted on the target
microcontroller. The example includes the implementation of all needed commands in the
“Secure firmware download” mode.
The reference application package is prepared for the Kinetis K82 µC, and it works
together with the PNEV5190B development board. The project is built with the
MCUXpresso IDE.
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Application note
Rev. 1.5 — 23 April 2021
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