NW Explorations
If not in U.S. waters or a “no-discharge zone”, you can dump the tank overboard without a pump out station by turning
“ON” the macerator pump with a key at the lower helm control panel. Leave it on until you hear the pump run free. Do
not leave the pump running dry for long as it will damage the pump.
It takes up to eight minutes to empty a full holding tank: Watch the indicator lights! The best way to monitor it is to run it
until bubbles come out from under the starboard side of the hull.
4P6: Head Y-Valves
Each head is equipped with a Y-valve. The aft one is in the Master Stateroom in the sink cabinet of the master stateroom;
the forward one is under the hatch in the companionway. Each Y-valve is labeled “Tank”/”Sea” indicating the type of
discharge. In US. Waters, the Coast Guard Rules require that the valves be “secured” in the holding tank position to
assure that all effluent will be kept aboard in the tank. If you turn the valve to overboard while in Canadian waters, re-
secure it with the wire ties supplied and stored near the valve when you return to the U.S.!
There are overboard valves in the lines where the discharge hoses connect to the through-hills. These should be open,
4Q: Running Gear
4Q1: Shaft Seal
The vessel is equipped with a dripless shaft seal that is lubricated by water from the engine; the seal should be
occasionally checked by the owner to be sure that there is not inappropriate water leakage. Adjustment should be rarely
4Q2: Bow Thruster
Eldean has been equipped with a bow thruster with “joystick” control at each helm.
This will assist you in getting extra close to the dock after you have put the boat within a
maximum of three feet or so using the engines...
The 12-volt thruster runs from the port engine-charged starting batteries (1 & 1A);
because this battery could be run down with excessive use of the thruster if the
generator is not running, we recommend you start the generator if docking could
require significant thruster use.
To operate the thruster:
Turn on thruster by pressing both “on” buttons simultaneously until the lights stay lit;
Then press the buttons to run the thruster.
The thruster only stays “ON” for about four minutes to protect it from overuse. After it turns off, you will have
to turn it “on” again!
Do not overuse the thruster! Operating it in “jabs” of 10-15 seconds at a time should be enough...it cannot be run for
extended times without having it shut down when its thermal overload protective relay opens!