Advanced settings
Performance and Quality Settings
Model-specific Settings
FX 5600
Direct3D Settings
Direct3D Settings
Allows you to adjust the
performance and compatibility
options and mipmapping for
your Direct3D games.
Performance & Compatibility Options
This field offers options that change the
performance and the compatibility of
your Direct3D games.
Mipmap detail level
A lower bias provides better image
quality; a higher bias increases
performances of the applications. You
can choose from five preset bias values.
PCI Texture Memory Size
Allows you to specify the maximum size
of PCI texture heap. Increasing this
value on PCI systems with sufficient
memory may greatly improve the
performance of some Direct3D
applications. For performance reasons,
this utility does not allow you to set more
than half the available system memory
as reported by Windows.
is unavailable for
systems using a AGP bus.
PCI Texture Memory
Custom Direct3D settings
Allows you to save the current settings
as a custom "tweak". Saved settings
will be added to the adjacent list. Once
you have found the optimal settings for
a particular Direct3D before starting
the program and eliminates the need
to set each option individually.
Software Settings
Display Properties-
Advanced Settings