Prep Time: 20 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total: 30 minutes
Temp: 350˚F
½ pineapple
½ cup shredded coconut
1 small sprig fresh mint
1 cup vanilla yogurt
1. Cut pineapple into ½-inch thick slices, then cut slices in half and remove the core.
2. Press “Pre-Heat”, set temperature at 350˚F and set cooking time at 10 minutes.
Press “Start”.
3. Dip pineapple slices into shredded coconut.
4. Once ready, gently place pineapple in Fry Pan Basket and cook.
5. While pineapple cooks, finely dice mint leaves and stir into vanilla yogurt.
6. Serve pineapple with yogurt dip.
Pineapple Crescents
(Serves 4)