3. Nuvation BMS™ High-Voltage Stack Controller
3.1. Overview
The Nuvation BMS™ High-Voltage Stack Controller module monitors and controls all Cell Interface
modules in a single battery stack. The built-in Stack Bus receives power and communication from
the Power Interface module. The Link Bus provides power and communication for all connected
Cell Interface Modules. Ethernet, CAN and RS-485 (Modbus) are included. No high-voltage or
high-current interfaces are present on the Stack Controller, making this module easy and safe to
connect to for service operations.
There is only one model of the Stack Controller, the NUV100-SC.
3.2. Mechanical Dimensions
The overall dimensions of the Stack Controller are 104.4mm X 121.58mm X 40.6mm.
It comes standard with DIN clips that enable the Stack Controller module to be securely mounted
to EN50022-compliant DIN rails. The clips add an extra 19.6mm to the overall width of the Stack
Controller module, bringing it from 104.4mm to 124mm. The clips also hold the module
approximately 7mm away from the inside lip of the DIN rail.
Extra space should be provided around the module to allow for easy installation/maintenance.
The Stack Controller weighs approximately 525g.
Figure 2. Mechanical Drawing of Stack Controller
Installation Guide - 2018-10-08, Rev. 2.0