noise entering the Stack Controller from the Link Bus cable will not flow through the Stack Bus cable.
Connect one of the following pins to earth:
Link Out pin 2
CAN485 pin 4
GPIO-Out pin 5
GPIO-In pin 1, 2, 3 or 4
6.3.3. Link Bus Power
While the communication interface between the Stack Controller and the Cell Interface is a daisy-
chain, the power supplied to the Cell Interface from the Stack Controller is a bus. This results in the
power twisted pair in the Link Bus cable carrying power up the entire length of the chain. This
provides a decent medium to couple system noise into the Link Bus which can result in
communication faults.
In systems where the cells can provide the necessary minimum operating voltage to the Cell
Interface, Link Bus power can be disabled if the observed impact on performance is acceptable. The
power twisted pair must be disconnected in the Link Bus cable, so all Link Out and Link In connectors
on the Stack Controller and Cell Interface must have pins 1 and 2 unpopulated. Also, the High-
Voltage BMS must be configured to disable power to the Link Bus, by setting this register to 0:
sc_linkbus.power_mode = 0
Nuvation Energy High-Voltage BMS - Installation Guide
Document ID: NE-IG-001
Rev 2.1, 2020-03-13