Pro CO Carbon Monoxide Analyzer
To calibrate the Analyzer Span
1. Move to an area with no wind. Wind can affect the analyzer reading and lead to an
incorrect calibration.
2. Power the unit on and allow it to complete its startup.
3. Hold the Prog button down until the Alarm 1 setting is flashing on the screen.
4. Repeatedly press the On/Off button to cycle through the menu until the screen flashes
5. Using the Program and Adjust buttons, set the Cal number to match the exact
measurement of CO PPM in the calibration gas to be used.
6. Use the Power button to cycle to the home screen.
7. Attach the calibration gas and ensure that gas flow is 1 L/min.
8. Once the display has settled, you can either confirm that calibration is correct, or that a
new calibration must be performed.
9. To calibrate the unit, press and hold the Power and Adjust buttons simultaneously until
the display flashes CAL. The unit will now recalibrate to the gas flow based on the
value input in the CAL programming screen.
10. If the reading drifts after a calibration has been performed, allow the unit to sit for
several minutes while powered on before attempting recalibration.
To calibrate the Analyzer Zero
1. Power the unit on and allow it to complete its startup.
2. Attach certified 0 PPM 100% Nitrogen calibration gas and ensure that gas flow is 1
3. Press the On/Off and Prog buttons simultaneously and hold until the screen flashes
4. When the display returns to reading 000, the zero has been set.
Nuvair offers CO gas testing kits - see addendum for more information
3.1. Sample Flow Method of Checking Calibration (Preferred)
Step 1. Attach
Flexible Tubing
to Gas Sample
Flow of 1 L/min
Step 2. Verify
that Gas is
Flowing Out
Holes in Flow
Adapter Cap
Step 3. Allow 15
Seconds for Display
Reading to Stabilize
Step 4. Record
Reading while Gas is